When you launch another application from HyperCard you can specify which data file (document) to use. HyperCard will look for a document in the folders indicated on this card.
Each line of this card describes a "path". A "path" describes the location of a folder. A folder containing an document may itself be contained within another folder on a disk. Paths help HyperCard find applications and their documents quickly. For example, when you type "open myResume with MacWrite" in the message box, HyperCard searches for the the document "Resume" in the folders indicated by the paths in this card and searches for MacWrite according to the paths in the applications path card. You can also program a button to launch an application. See the Help stack for more information.
• Examples:
Tells HyperCard to look for documents in the "Documents" folder on the disk. The colon right before the "D" of "Documents" tells HyperCard to look for the folder "Documents" in the same place as the HyperCard application on the disk.
Back up:
Tells HyperCard that there are documents in a disk called
"Back up" (e.g. a floppy). Notice that there is no colon preceding the disk name.
Tells HyperCard that there are documents in a folder called
"Memos", and that this folder is in another one called "Docs" which sits on a disk called Tom (e.g. name of your hard disk).
If the document is not found, a dialog box appears, asking you where it is. You can locate the document with this dialog box. The path card is automatically updated so that the next time HyperCard will know where to find the document.